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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

when i grow up

Yesterday, Jase told me what he wants to be when he grows up. He asked, "When I grow up can I be more than one thing?" My response was the typical "mom trying to be a good mom" answer, "Sure, you can be whatever you wanna be when you grow up." He then proceeded to list the things he wants to be, all FOUR of them. A cowboy, a police officer, a Texas Ranger baseball player, and the coolest of all... a "fire" cook (one of those guys who cooks the food at your table at a Japanese steakhouse, they make silly jokes, lots of smoke, big blazing flames, and train noises).

Of course, I had to go back and revise my previous answer to his question by stating, "You can be whatever you wanna be when you grow up, just maybe not all at the same time." To this, he replied, "Well, I will be a police officer and a Texas Ranger baseball player first. Then when I'm old, like you & daddy, I will be a cowboy and a "fire" cook."  All I could come back with was, "That's sounds like a great plan to me".

Bryce chimed in and said she wanted to work at Wal-Mart, that way she could see me while she was working. Apparently, I shop at Wal-Mart a lot. Then she asked me a question that should have been simple for me to answer, but for the life of me, I couldn't come up with one. She asked, "What did you wanna be when you got grewed, mom?"

I tried to picture myself, as a kid, daydreaming in class or beaming with joy as I announced to my parents what I wanted to be when I grew up, but nothing came to mind. Hhmm, I'm sure I wanted to be something. Now, as a grown-up, I find lots of things I want to be when I grow up... like Jennifer Lopez, or Jillian Michaels, or an author of fiction stories, or a movie critic. Those all sound like pretty awesome things to be when one grows up. But, thinking back now, the only thing that comes to mind was that I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, to pick my kids up from school and have homemade cookies waiting on the kitchen counter for them.

Yesterday's conversation with my kids made me realize something. Even though, staying home with my kids can drive me crazy most of the time, and almost daily, I consider getting back into the work field,  the fact is... though I don't bake the cookies, I buy 'em, I'm still living my dream!


  1. Pretty sure you wanted to be a teacher of some kind, it had to be a teacher surely? Always very instructional and in charge. Now maybe you aren't instructing in a classroom but maybe more important, in your every day life, you are a teacher! Thanks for all my lessons learned :)

  2. I think I liked "playing" school and being the teacher because it was really the only game to play where I could be BOSSY!
