Hellooo, I’mmm baaack!
Spring is the busiest time of the year for me, and I haven’t had a chance to blog in FOREVER!!! No worries though, my blogging may have been on hiatus, but the craziness of my life has most definitely been rolling right along. Between the husband, kids, dogs, and t-ball, I have plenty of stories to share with you.
I was gonna tell the story of how when it comes to our dogs, we just can’t win, but just as I got started on it, the following events unfolded and I just couldn’t pass up sharing them with you.
As proof of this crazy zoo I call my life, I offer up this blog:
Earlier this evening, I heated up leftover pizza for the kids dinner, tuned the kitchen t.v. to Disney’s, Good Luck, Charlie (the one t.v. show they ALL like to watch, and lucky for me, it’s on about 20 times a day), and escaped to my office/bedroom to catch up on my blog. Two minutes in, I hear Sophie crying her “I’m hurt” cry, and Jase running through the house yelling, “Call 9-1-1, Call 9-1-1, Call 9-1-1”.
Instantly images of Sophie on top of the kitchen table, falling, tile floor, gashes, cuts, blood and gore, bleeding to death, flashed before my eyes. My heart was racing and I thought to myself, “Oh My Gosh, I left my kids with the 't.v. sitter' and tragedy struck. Bad Mom, I’m a horrible, horrible mom”. (For the record, I was just down the hall) As I ran from my office/bedroom preparing myself for the worst, I encountered Jase running in circles in the living room frantically looking for the phone… to call 911, of course. I yelled to him, “What happened?” He stopped circling the room and told me that Sophie had fallen out of her chair and hit her head on the floor.
Since the chair is much closer to the floor than the top of the table, I knew it wasn’t going to be as big of a fall as I had pictured in my head, and I was pretty sure I could rule out blood and gore. Also, doubtful, was the need for 911. As I went to assess the damage to Sophie’s head, I was thrilled to find it was nothing more than a red spot on the side of her head. No worries. I then spent the next 10 minutes reminding Jase of what warrants a call to 911. Hmm, I can’t image where he gets his impulse to overreact.
Speaking of calling 911… when Jase was learning “Emergencies” in Kindergarten, he brought me the phone one afternoon and said, “Here momma, the nice lady on the phone wants to tell you what a good job I did calling 911". I took the phone, said “hello” and the nice lady on the phone told me what a good job Jase did calling 911. Yep, he called 911 just to see if it really worked. It did.
So back to my story, once Sophie’s “near death” accident was all taken care of, I dove back into my blog. I got a good 4 to 5 minutes in before… this time it was Bryce yelling and Jase crying. Apparently, the dog reached up and snatched Jase’s slice of pizza right out of his hand and gobbled it up. Sidenote: some of you reading this probably remember my dog’s love for pizza and how he snagged many a’ slices at last summer’s Back to School Bash that we hosted at our house.
(Hang on... Sophie just came in with her pull-up pulled half way down telling me, “Mommy, here check, I poooooped”. Ugh yuck, I gotta go change her. Be right back….) (Ok, where was I, oh yeah, dog pizza Jase.)
After heating up another slice of pizza for Jase, I had decided to wait until things were more settled down to work on my blog. So I abandoned my computer and went about getting the kitchen cleaned and everyone bathed and in pajamas. As I’m sure most mom’s can attest to, pajamas before 7:00 p.m. usually means it’s been one heck of a day and it just needs to end, and end soon.
Once things became peaceful around here, I was able to get back to my blog. I had resorted to sitting in the living room and using the laptop instead. As I typed away, the kids were in there with me watching Planet 51, and with all the fighting and yelling over who got to use what pillow pet, Bryce asking me a gazillion questions, Sophie’s diaper change, and Jase stating over and over that he had butt sweat (don’t ask, something he heard on Good Luck, Charlie earlier… boys are gross) I was finally able to get this thing done. Amazing!
Hey, with three kids, as long as no one is bleeding and nothing is getting broken… it’s peaceful.
Be sure to keep checking back for some more entertaining stories of my life in this CRAZY ZOO!
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