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Thursday, March 24, 2011

bugs, bugs and more bugs

The theme of my day today was most definitely.... BUGS!!! I have been haunted by them all day in many different ways. It's not that I really mind bugs (my sister HATES bugs - funny story for another time), but today was just too much.

It all started around 1:00 a.m. when I heard my dog, Jack, up wandering around. He's pretty old and ALWAYS sleeps through the night, so the sound of the little bell on his collar woke me instantly. As I was looking for him, I noticed a horrible smell coming from our entry way. Since this area is next to Sophie's room, I immediately thought she had a massive poop explosion...boy, was I wrong. Apparently, Jack had eaten a colossal amount of june bugs to which made him very sick. His "sickness" was all over my hardwood floors, and man, it was horrible. Thirty-five paper towels and a splash of Pine-Sol later it was all cleaned up and all was good again.

I had decided to put Jack in the laundry room for the rest of the night...just in case. This turned out to be the best decision EVER, because when I woke this morning the entire house reeked of the "sickness"! He had gotten sick, what appeared to be, many times over in the laundry room...massive, disgusting, funky stank...yuuucckk. While cleaning it I dry heaved and almost lost it twice. Jase was heaving, too, but for some reason he stuck around to watch (must be a boy thing), and Bryce walked around holding her nose all morning. Sophie was watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so she could care less about the chaos in the other room. I used an entire roll of paper towels, a sink full of Pine-Sol water, and mopped it twice to finally get it cleaned. However, the stank lingered. I had to keep the windows & doors open all day and burn my scentsy in every room to try to kill the funky stank. The house still reeks of funky stank, but eventually, all will be good again.

Since we don't have screens on our doors, when the doors are open, I use baby gates to keep the kids in and the critters out. Baby gates work well on kids and critters, but critters that fly...not so much. Which brings me to my second "bug attack"...grasshoppers! Two of those little suckers jumped right over the baby gate and into the living room, completely freaking Sophie out. It took awhile but I finally got them back outside and all was good again.

So far, my last "bug encounter" was when it was time to pick Jase up from school. This morning the "stank" from the massive attack on the laundry room, which opens to the garage, had made it's way into my car - at least to my nose it had. I left the windows down and parked it in the drive-way to let it air out. Getting in the car to go get Jase, I saw that in my car was a another flipping grasshopper. I spent a few minutes looking like a crazy person trying to shoo the dang thing out. Finally it worked, and all was good again.

Told was all about the bugs!

P.S. Bryce, who hates her name and is constantly re-naming herself, declared today that her new name would be Charlotte. As in, Charlotte's Web, the movie that has been playing in our car for the past 2 months. Charlotte was a spider...and there's another bug.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you call "stank." Not stink or stench, but STANK. It shows your true Texan colors! Lol
