I would say I'm more of a grumpy, don't talk to me, Zombie kinda morning person. It sucks for my kids because I'm grumpy, but since I'm in full-on Zombie mode they could pretty much get by with anything and I wouldn't notice...which is actually pretty AWESOME for them!
Case in point, as a walking Zombie this morning:
- I barely noticed when I woke Jase for school that he had slept in his school clothes last night. "So I can be the first one at school today", was his reasoning for this. Apparently, he overlooked the fact that his mom was in Zombie mode, thus, doing things at a Zombie pace. Much to his disappointment, he arrived at school with just minutes to spare. (sidenote: I wouldn't be surprised if he attempts the whole sleeping in his clothes thing again tomorrow)
- Also, it wasn't until Bryce was crying in pain that I realized I was cramming her feet into Sophie's shoes. My quick fix to this was to let her go barefoot. In her true Diva fashion, barefoot was unacceptable. Instead we dug her shoes out of the dirty clothes hamper (don't ask, I didn't) and this time the glass slipper fit perfectly.
- The Zombie moment I'm troubled with the most, is when we were all in the car and driving down the driveway. The kids were in the backseat giggling profusely. When I turned to the backseat to see what was so funny... apparently, I had forgotten to put Sophie in her carseat. (can you say, Zombie?) It wasn't that bad, it's not like I forgot to put her in the car. Jase and Bryce thought this was a great funny mom moment, and Sophie probably thought she had pulled off the greatest sneak of all time.
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ReplyDeleteToo funny. That's my girl. Gotta Love ya!!!!!!